Monday, July 7, 2008

Prayer Request

Someone suggested we have a place to share prayer request so that we can rejoice together in New Orleans over the answered prayers. I think it's a great idea. We can share here in this post until I find another place for them. I'm not sure we want them on a list on the front page, but then again that might be ok. Please let me know what you think.


Mary R Snyder said...

Rejoicing that the Lord saw fit to use Traci (fellow siesta) and provide me with a ticket to attend. I know that His plan was for us to meet and I can't wait!

I'm praying for tickets for my girlfriends -- we need 4 more and for tickets for all those who are in need. He knows the desires of our heart and He'll provide for us -- I have no doubt.


Di said...

I know that the original Breaking Free study was a spiritual turning point for so many sisters, including me. Although we have never met, this taping event has the potential to be like a reunion of souls who have learned the same Biblical pathway to the abundant, Spirit-filled life. I pray that God will use us to not only support Beth, but to encourage each other, that we can be renewed and refreshed in the true freedom of Christ! Wow, do I need it!!! How about you?! Pray hard, siestas! Di