Sunday, November 16, 2008

Breaking FREE!

Okay -- for all who are interested Breaking Free was incredible! It was wonderful, it was awesome and it was More than a blessing to me.
I met so many incredible women that I new only from the Internet. Sarah (our New Orleans sweetheart) and her sweet Mom, Di from Ohio and her sister (whose name just escapes me), Tammy and Jenny and Cathy. Traci and Linda and Vicki. The beignet girls, the Deanie's girls. The lady that was rushing to make the Mississippi wedding. So many and most I've forgotten your names, but your sweet faces are in my heart.

I've written several blog posts on my blog about the lessons -- you can find them at .

Breaking Free is an amazing Bible study that I did 6 1/2 years ago and it blessed me then and this taping blessed me now. If you've never done it, consider it. It will change your life!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary,

I read your comment and prayer request that you left on LPM blog. Bless you and your husband for seeking to do the Lord's will! Our church is completely dedicated to preaching the Word and is committed to planting other Bible teaching churches. If you would like to check out the website it is

I will be praying for you and your husband!